11:00 a.m.
In Israel, Tu B’Shevat, the Birthday for Trees, is celebrated at the time of year when, drawn from the roots by the warmth of the sun, sap starts running up the trees, just under the bark, carrying nutrients to the branches. In appreciation of the gifts given us by trees, we hold a seder during which we celebrate this return of life, the promise of a fruitful year. It is a treat to the senses. We celebrate with typical Israeli fruits and nuts, juices and wines which are exquisite and varied in color, taste, aroma and texture. The fruits have strong skins we must peel or break, stones we do not swallow, and there are those that we can eat in their entirety. The tastes, the blessings, the narratives, the songs, the company we share at this seder table bring us joy in themselves as well as in anticipation of the coming spring.
The Tu B’Shevat seder program will begin at 11:00 on Sunday, February 12th and last approximately 1-1/2 hour. All congregants are welcome and encouraged to participate. Kivvun families will be supplying many of the delicious fruits and nuts. If you would like to help with the slicing and plating of the fruits and nuts and getting the table ready for the seder, please contact Liz Jones at sagenbasil@aol.com or (860) 391-3561. More detailed information will be included in the weekly e-mails.