April 13, 2025 Congregational Passover Seder Reservation Name*Phone*Email* Member ReservationsMember Adults Quantity Price: $54.00 Quantity Member Kids (5-12) Quantity Price: $10.00 Quantity Member Kids (under 5) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Non-Member ReservationsNon-Member Adults Quantity Price: $60.00 Quantity Non-Member Kids (5-12) Quantity Price: $18.00 Quantity Non-Member Kids (under 5) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Seating RequestWe will have reserved seating again this year. Please indicate below if you would like to request to sit with another family, otherwise we will seat you. We will do our best to accommodate all requests. Tables will seat 6-8 people.I/We would like to be seated withVegan MealA Vegan meal option is available this year. Please indicate the number of Vegan meals within your reservation. If not selected, your reservation will be for the traditional Seder menu. Thank you. Number of Adult Vegan Meals in Your ReservationNumber of Kids Vegan Meals in Your ReservationAdditional DonationI would like to donate $ ____ towards the purchase of another meal. Payment - Please mail checks to: CBSRZ, P.O. Box 438, Chester, CT 06412Total $0.00 CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ