We offer many ways to get involved and contribute, not only to CBSRZ, but to the bigger world outside our doors. Everyone has something to offer. Start small and volunteer for one thing. Host one Oneg, or plan an ambitious start-up venture. Whether you find your path with Social Action, Chesed, the Mavens, any of the other volunteer opportunities, or with something entirely new at CBSRZ, it will be worthwhile.

Fostering the Concept of Tikkun Olam, Repairing our World. Social action and service are at the heart of our community. CBSRZ, through the Social Action Committee (SAC), seeks to be a catalyst for acting on our humanitarian initiatives and Jewish values. Each year, we sponsor eight to 10 meal sites, food drives, blood drives, home building, clothes drives, book drives, three to four forums and legislative advocacy, including working with other organizations, and we respond to emergencies (natural and human-made) as they arise. We hope you will find something that is right for you. Get involved…
The Chesed Committee provides pastoral care and support for our congregants in times of need and in times of happiness. Our mission is to help our congregants help each other. In creating opportunities to do these mitzvot, we are building our community and fulfilling the covenant to ensure that help will be there when we need it as well. Caring for each other is a Jewish tradition. We provide volunteer opportunities, keep track of those in need and what they need, and make sure that no one gets left behind. Get involved…
The Mavens is a lively, muliti-generational group of women who come together for social connections, book discussions, Mah Jongg lessons and religious celebrations. Meetings take place as potluck style dinners in member homes, or gatherings at local restaurants. We come together to annually to create a Passover event, be it a traditional Seder or, like last year, a Sephardic Passover meal; we shop together, cook together and celebrate together. It’s not your traditional sisterhood. Contact the committee chairwoman to learn more.
The practice of ethical kashrut seeks to bring an awareness of Jewish values into our multifaceted relationship with food. The Rabbis consider that the laws of kashrut were designed to sacralize the fundamental activity of eating. The prophet Ezekiel even called the dinner table a mikdash m’at, or “miniature altar”, according to rabbi Doug Sagal. As members of a Reform congregation we choose whether or not we keep kosher. The synagogue has established guidelines for permissible and prohibited foods. But we believe that for us to observe the spirit if not the letter of dietary law, we need to return to core principles of Jewish teachings and apply them to our contemporary situation. Learn more…
The CBSRZ farmland and community garden committee functions to serve its members and community by providing gardening opportunities and educational services. Our goal is to use sustainable farming as a means of connecting and strengthening our identity through the land, food, education, and service. Reserve your space…
The mission of the Outreach committee is to provide inviting, welcoming, supportive and educational opportunities for all who are interested in learning about or strengthening their knowledge of and connection to Judaism. The committee focuses it’s efforts on members and non-members, Jewish individuals and families, interfaith families, non-traditional families, seekers and Jews-by-choice. Learn more…
We are all about opening different paths for congregants to seek inspiration, community, spirit, learning, comfort and joy by tapping both our heritage and innovation. That’s why this place is described as “ancient and cool.” If you are interested in becoming more involved with our special place, please learn more…