The CBSRZ farmland and community garden committee functions to serve its members and community by providing gardening opportunities and educational services. Our goal is to use sustainable farming as a means of connecting and strengthening our identity through land, food, education, and service.
If you are interested in reserving a garden plot for the 2023 season, please review the garden guidelines and complete the form below. Once you submit it, we will contact you to confirm availability and settle the payment. Plots are subject to availability. Contact the CBSRZ office at 860.526.8920 for more information and availability.
- Plot registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Full-sized plots are 20’x20′; half-sized plots are 20’x10′.
- Family members are welcome to the garden site. Please supervise those less than 18 years of age. Pets are not allowed in the garden area.
- We require that gardeners volunteer at least one day in the spring to help prepare the garden for planting and at least one day in the fall to help clean up the garden after the last harvest.
- Organic gardening is strongly encouraged. There are experts who can help with any questions to advise us. NO herbicides or non-organic pesticides may be used at any time in the garden. Do not use Preen or Round-Up. Organic pesticides, such as “Safer” are okay to use.
- Dispose of weeds and plant material in designated compost area.
- Notify the garden administrator if you are no longer able to tend to your plot, will be absent for a long period of time, or have asked a friend to tend your garden.
- You can only water while you are in the garden. Please limit water usage to 30-minute increments.
- Everyone should make donations to one of the local soup kitchens. Deep River Baptist Church or United Church of Chester are recommended.
- There are no restrictions to the architecture of your plot (i.e. raised beds), except for the rule (as above in #5), prohibiting pesticides and herbicides.
Download the Gardening Guidelines as a PDF.
Garden Plot Reservation
20x20 plot: $36 for CBSRZ members; $46 for non-members
20x10 plot: $18 for CBSRZ members; $28 for non-members.
If you are interested in reserving a garden plot for the 2023 season, please review the garden guidelines and complete the form below. Once you submit, we will contact you to confirm availability and settle payment.
- University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, Extension Department, Haddam, Connecticut
- Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District
- Chester Farmers’ Market
- New Haven Food Policy Council
- Food Security Working Group
- Cooking Matters
- Field House Farm
- Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity
- Yale Sustainability Office
- CT Food Bank
- End Hunger CT
- Beantown Jewish Gardens
- Boston Area Gleaners
- Jewish Environmental Programs
- Living Tree Alliance