We see ourselves as a home where individuals can find paths to meaning through song, prayer, caring and play. Engage with us in life-cycle events, whether in celebration or mourning, that carry a special welcoming for interfaith families. Here you can find gateways for action in culture and justice, for helping each other, for music and theater, even for food that’s ethical Kosher.

Celebration, music, art and cultural activities play an important role in enhancing spirituality. In addition to the many religious holidays and festivals that we celebrate at CBSRZ, we also offer a wide variety of cultural experiences for members and non-members alike. We feel that by knitting together different connections between us, we are strengthening bonds to help build our community. We encourage you to experience the wide variety of events we have to offer at CBSRZ. Join us…
At life’s transition times – whether celebratory, or when we are in need of support, the value of the CBSRZ community cannot be overstated. Whether welcoming a new child, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a wedding, the start of one’s conversion to Judaism, facing an illness, or the loss of a loved one, coming together imbues our experiences with meaning. Learn more…

We offer many ways to get involved and contribute, not only to CBSRZ, but to the bigger world outside our doors. Everyone has something to offer. Start small and volunteer for one thing. Host one Oneg, or plan an ambitious start-up venture. Whether you find your path with Social Action, Chesed, the Mavens, any of the other volunteer opportunities, or with something entirely new at CBSRZ, it will be worthwhile. Get involved…